Networking for an Ocean Conservation Career

networking 101

Ocean Conservation Job hunting could be really frustrating at times. Many of us visit the same websites everyday (sometimes multiples times per day) to see if there were any new job opportunities that matched our interests. If there were any, then you would start would go get all excited (see next weeks OCC TV – Tips episode!) and figure out what to do.

But, if you didn’t find the job you want then you have to wait until the next time you check…which sucks because there really isn’t much you can do…or is there?

Of course there is! You could start NETWORKING to add another dimension to your Ocean Conservation Job searching strategy!

Networking is what it’s all about in this week’s OCC TV – Tips Episode. You will find out how it could benefit you in the short and long term of your career in Ocean Conservation.

Imagine the possibility to get a job without going through a lengthy application process…this can happen with Networking!

Imagine getting the heads up on an upcoming job opening (before anyone else)…this can happen with Networking!

Imagine being faster than a speedy bullet…No! This can’t happen with Networking! You would have to be form the planet Krypton! Your silly to think that!

But imagine building a great reputation within the Ocean Conservation Industry where you becomes a household name…this can happen with Networking!

By adding the networking dimension to your job searching process, you become closer to building a long and successful career in Ocean Conservation

Checkout the OCC TV – Tips program below for more information

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