Archive for the Ocean Conservation Careers Interviews Category

Diving for Shark Conservation for a Living – with Christine Shepard

Shark conservation is often pictured when you think of Ocean Conservation. We love sharks, we fear them, and we respect them all at the same time. And one thing is for sure, we want to live out our passion to protect them from harm. So how do build a career in Shark Conservation? Do you […]


Life of A Marine Science PhD Student with Jesse Senko

So you want to know about a marine science PhD? You want to know what to expect when you do a PhD in Ocean Conservation…well look no further because the video interview below is something you will want to see and take notes!!! I’ve never done a PhD. I did a Master’s degree and I […]


What Its Like To Be A Professor – with Dr. Bob Payne

Ever dream about becoming a professor, teaching young impressionable students, and conducting cutting edge research in Ocean Conservation? Well, you’re not the only one. I know a number of people who dreamed to work in academia and be a professor at a top notch university/college, but when they got to where they wanted to go, […]


Ocean Conservation Your Way – with Dr. Wallace J. Nichols

Do you think you need a job to have a successful career in Ocean Conservation…guess again!!! Imagine you have the freedom to do Ocean Conservation the way you think it should be done. You have the power to call all the shots, plan your own projects, and get funded to do them without having to […]


Communicating Ocean Conservation – with Deb Castellana

I can’t stress how important Ocean Conservation communication is to protecting the Ocean. Communication of Ocean Awareness, Education, and Calls to Action targeted at the general public is a vital role in Ocean Conservation. When people think of Ocean Conservation, they tend to think about being a scientist; however, scientists are only part of the […]


Shark Saving Career – with Samantha Whitcraft

Samantha Whitcraft works in a career that saves sharks. I know, right? That’s the kind of work we all want. So how do we get a job like Samantha’s? Well, Samantha was kind enough to spill the beans on how she ended up in a kick ass career. Find out what how she launched a […]


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